Христос и АнтиХрист
Do you have a Living Ideas?
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Would like to implement plan?
Relax: power captured the Antichrist.

Way to the relationship with the world and the environment on the basis of the position:” If works – mean and vice versa too, something must be”. For the process of AntiHristizma are commonly used:

1. A Viable Idea.

2. Flip to the opposite side of the main Power Vector of this idea.

3. Control and retention tools, used for the coup.

666Антихристизм ГрехThe real name of the Antichrist – Vallaum. The elder twin brother of Christ. Because of this unnatural approach to the universe, there are many “Creatures” do not Exist, constantly looking for death and dream only of death. In their techniques using the principles of a heartless control, where mediocrity is the structure. Usually this is a technical tool referred to in the third paragraph of.

As a result of these clerical errors usually are formed “Space Tumor” with similar cancer tumors by nature. Because just as they are trying to subjugate the improved Structure. For Example, cage on the heel, raspuhaâ, seeks to absorb the message body, making harmonious organism in ugly Monster.

СмертьАнтихристизм СоблазнAntihristizm cannot Exist by itself. Mandatory condition for its existence is already Existing Nature, Harmony, Independent Living. Ispoganivaûŝij Environment is lifestyle. And seeks to absorb the best, If it is possible. Because the very best you can be fed continuously. This is due to the fact, that's the best you can to spoil the very long. And if you learn to do it almost not noticeable – You can even try to defend your position in law. The more, If the laws are in your power – It doesn't take much. The Antichrist is credited with creating the death.

In General, if a little deeper into this issue, but not for long – You can see, the Antihristizm – source of errors of a technical nature. As a result of which are horrific monsters.

Where to get ideas?

Антихристизм СамодовольствоАнтихристизм ДемонAll very simple. Just grab “control point” – and the avalanche of viable Ideas you provided. “Control point” You can take any organization, having access to any power. You can come to any person, has the intention to implement your idea. Once he is given the “from the gate turn”, either, oduračivaâ, redirect to another “The Institute Of Power”: left with nothing – they brought the idea of safely been twisted beyond recognition and benefits the Institute authorities, who decided to take it under control.

It's easy to see, the Antihristizm is a rather nefarious manifestation of, probably because of the late. All adherents of Antihristizma you want to move to the Antihrističeskij World and deal with it Antihrističeskimi cases. That's why all of them are sentenced to expulsion from the wellness Things as appropriate for them Peace doesn't exist yet.

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