Космос Частная СобственностьLooking at the Ways of our Mlechnost,
Eternal Space Infinity.

On the planets of the death of private property is any structure, by the time someone a set. And especially mentally ill dare to express, they belong to the country, not only sea and continents, rise and formation of which they have no relationship at all, and even remotely do not represent yourself as all that create. Of course, If the tech person nor open technologies in an accessible form. Especially insane believe ownership even thrust into the Earth flag, that looks more like a principle of marking territory, used by animals (including dogs) . Sometimes “dogs” go crazy and try to plug the flag even there, where it is not possible. That eventually leads them to a State of frenzy. In principle, all converges to, that property is owned by the, who first said it right.

Космос Частная Собственность Солнце КометаThe creative process is, to, After seeing the object in the space of high frequencies, describe it in space living. In other words, nothing qualitatively new creative types do not create, but only attract objects from the higher dimensions in the lower. But therein lies the creative activities. Normal healthy Beings could not exist without the creativity. But at the same time “rabid wolves” use scientific achievements, created by creative Creatures, to control and kill other creatures, including creative.

Космос Частная СобственностьКосмос Частная Собственность Солнце ОтрывКосмос Красота Частная Собственность

The creative process is not possible without inspiration, that exists due to the Radiation of vibrations of highly developed Beings. So any product, объект, structure, for, the daily life, all creativity, scientific researches have appeared thanks to the creative process, as a result of inspiration sent highly developed Beings. For this reason, all existing belongs to them. Because they are the original owners. More information about information, Copyright, on the law (This list is not limited to) also belongs The Americas.

If you apply the territorial principle of dividing, recognized by any “Wolf” – all of the Infinite Cosmos, and everything, what it is is a private property of the infinite Cosmos.

Космос Прекрасен Частная Собственность

As I identified these structures and the first, showing understandable “mad dogs” – on the right of ownership all this belongs to me. Describes the structure of the information created by me, belongs to me and is my private property. Because. I am the master of all this – on the right place Law: It is illegal to attempt to assign property of infinite Space itself under any pretext, Moreover, under the guise of temporary use, because the time is mine. It is unlawful to evade the laws of nature and pretend as if they are not available, not audible and understandable. Illegal to directly or indirectly create conditional laws contrary to the laws of nature. The departed are sentenced to a typical Exile. © Infinite Space.

Why do all creatures are not in good faith to take into your account, because only good-faith compliance with the laws of nature, and Space – This is the nature of.

Космос Природа Частная Собственность

Music sketching:

♥ ♥ ♥ Splin – Letter ♡ ♡ ♡

Documented: Download space

* Distributed in accordance with Common Cosmic Convention.


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